
We are always looking for volunteers for our committees! If you are interested in joining any of the committees listed below, please email [email protected].

This committee shall facilitate activities and actions pertaining to AVANA scholarship fund and coordinate fundraising events for scholarship fund. The committee shall review scholarship applications for completeness and make recommendations for  ALPS scholarship awards; present selection committee recommendations to AVANA Board; notify applicants of award status; and present report of selection committee at the Annual Meeting.

Auditing & Budget
This committee shall review the financial records prior to the AVANA annual spring meeting and conduct an audit before the election of a new treasurer. The committee is also responsible for creating a report of the financial records of AVANA shall be prepared and presented to BOD at pre-board meeting and  financial report presented to the members at the Annual spring meeting for approval of the regional directors

Bylaws & Standing Rules
This committee receives and reviews all amendments to the AVANA bylaws. The committee shall consider all amendments to the bylaws and the standing rules and draft them in proper form for publication and approval by the Board of Directors. The committee shall also perform an annual review of current and proposed standing rules. The committee will present rules for publication to BOD 45 days before the Annual Meeting.

This committee shall be responsible for coordination of the AVANA Educational meeting. The committee shall study the educational needs of the membership; assist with the planning of the annual educational symposium & provide assistance at the annual meeting.

Government Relations
This committee shall study matters pertaining to VA Nurse Anesthetists and create communication to facilitate efficient cooperation with organizations of mutual interest. The committee shall work with and under the direction of the Board of Directors

This committee works to increase membership by contacting current and past members and VA facilities. There is also a subcommittee called the Welcome Wagon Committee. The Welcome Wagon shall personally reach out to all new members welcoming them to the organization. This personalized greeting  is in addition to the welcome letter with membership card that is sent out by the AVANA office.

This committee shall identify suitable candidates for regional directors and executive board positions from only active members of the association. The committee shall present to the Board of Directors a list of nominations for President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Director candidates. The committee shall coordinate with the AVANA office to send to each active member a ballot with the list of candidates and their qualifications  at least 45 days prior to Annual Meeting.

This committee shall work to maintain regular and timely communication with the membership through relevant channels including print, web, and social media and emerging platforms. This committee shall publish newsletter for distribution to all current membership.